Friday, May 27, 2011

Trust Me, Trust Me Not...

I was reading one of my favorite blogs this week: Mindflash.  And one of the contributing authors, Mark Anderson, had a great cartoon: 

Everyone recalls this infamous trust building/team building exercise:  Come on!  Fall backwards into my arms and I will catch you!  (*Insert mini panic attack here)

It got me thinking a little bit.  Why do most team building exercises bring out the worst in people?  Oh wait, now I recall.  Most team building exercises are highly competitive games that encourage co-workers to kick the crap out of each other.  Awesome.

If you're planning a "team building" event for your office, company or clients, remember a few things:
  • Everyone is competitive, even if they say they're not.  It's always the one person who tells you "I'm really not that competitive" that's cutting people off trying to find the last three items on the scavenger hunt list so he can win.
  • Think about events or exercises that make people cooperate, not compete. 
  • Never involve baseball bats.  Even wiffle ball bats.  My brother hit me in the head with a wiffle ball bat when I was a little girl.  He says by accident. 

It's OK to be business competitive but don't let it get in the way of your clients best interest.  If I know my client is best suited insured by another insurance carrier or brokerage, I let them know.  They trust me to make the best decision for them when it comes to their insurance programs and I take that seriously.

And hopefully I am never in arms swing of wiffle ball bat ever again.

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