Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Camps, Clinics and Tournaments - Get In The Box!

Summer is upon us and finally we have some warm weather!  What does this mean?  Sports camps, tournaments and clinics are on the horizon!  If your league, school or association has organized or is putting on a camp, clinic or tournament, you need to make sure that you are properly covered with general liability and participant accident coverage.

Lately, I've seen some people who have taken some short cuts, believe that personal medical insurance covers all of their sports and entertainment liability and signed waivers are the solutions to all of their problems.  I cannot stress enough that if someone is seriously injured during a tournament, clinic or camp, that your association or organization is still liable and will be named in suit. 
Sports & Entertainment insurance is not just for the comfort of the organization putting on the camp, clinic or tournament.  But this insurance also provides a natural catastrophic extension for participants within the sport or activity.  I urge all parents to verify that the association or organization has insurance for the safety of your child and family.  

One of my insured's, The California Vintage Base Ball Federation, hosted a free fundamentals of baseball clinic in Sunnyvale, CA, on May 15th. The CVBBF partnered with the Sunnyvale National Little League, Get In The Box, Inc., and all BBQ proceeds went back to the Sunnyvale National Little League.

It began to downpour about half way through the free baseball clinic but that definitely didn't damper everyone's spirits.  Kids and parents sprinted underneath the many tents set up from Jamba Juice and the concession stand to wait for the rain to pass.  And pass it did.  The event went off without a hitch; here are some pictures from the day!

Dr. Eliot addressing the clinic participants about how important a strong mental game is on the field of play.
Clinic time!
Getting ready to take the field!
Some of the CVBBF Players!

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